Class Information
Our school wide theme this year is Welcome to the SWAMP! As our school continues to raise the quality of education for our students, we expect our students to rise to those expectations. These include all of Singing River’s CHOMP behaviors: Compassionate, Honest, Organized, Motivated, and Persevering. We have many ways of rewarding positive behaviors including gator bucks, house points, and various awards given in class.
My classroom rules are as follows: We, as a class, will add to these rules as the year progresses.
- Be kind and respectful to everyone.
- Raise your hand and stand to speak.
- Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself at all times.
- Come to class prepared and ready to learn.
- Be an upstanding digital citizen.
HOMEWORK WILL BE COMPLETED WEEKLY, UNLESS THERE IS A VACATION, TESTING, or IT IS OTHERWISE NOTED. I send newsletters and homework home each Monday and check the homework each Friday.
District HOMEWORK policy states:
Students are required to have assignments completed on the date due unless additional time is granted by the teacher. It is the responsibility of the student to contact the teacher regarding homework make-up assignments.
This year we will be working a lot online using Google Classroom. If you notice you are not seeing graded/returned papers, this could be the reason. Google Classroom turns our classroom into an online class much like a college student would be a part of. It has really made the classroom a more engaged place to be and the students enjoy being able to use the chrome books.
Detentions – Before or After School:
Teacher or Administrator Detentions (Elementary and Secondary) 1. Teachers or administrators may issue detentions to be served in the classroom before or after school. 2. Students notified of a classroom detention will not have to serve until the following day in order for them to have an opportunity to inform their parents or to make transportation arrangements. 3. If the student cannot report at the assigned time, parents must contact the teacher or administrator prior to the time the student is to report, stating the reason. The teacher will make the decision as to the validity of the excuse and assign the student a time to report.
Our grading scale is as follows:
A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
D 65-69
NM No Mark
INC Incomplete
NG No Grade (Zero)
F Below 65
“O” Outstanding (elementary schools only) “S” Satisfactory “N” Needs Improvement “U” Unsatisfactory