About Us
Singing River Academy is a public 5th and 6th grade school, serving Gautier residents. Our faculty and staff are committed to student excellence by integrating technology and maintaining rigorous coursework that prepares them for college and career. As a part of the Pascagoula-Gautier School District, we provide numerous academic and extracurricular opportunities for our students.
In 2013, Singing River Elementary was restructured from a Kindergarten - 5th grade elementary school to the current 5th & 6th grade Academy format. Students rotate through four core teachers (Reading, Language, Math and Science/Social Studies) with a different activity class every day (Art, Music, Computer and 2 PE Classes). Students are eligible to join our excellent band program in the 6th grade.
Our school motto was developed based upon characteristics we feel will push our students toward leadership opportunities. Students are expected to exhibit CHOMP behaviors everyday.
Our House System was implemented in 2015 following a motivational professional development conference our teachers attended at the Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, GA. We have four houses which correlate to CHOMP behaviors.
Karuna - House of Compassion
Fidea - House of Honesty
Kinisi - House of Motivation
Drrhata - House of Perseverance
Each week students earn points for their houses in a variety of ways. For example, scoring 100% on a Common Assessment (CA), winning in class house challenges, showing compassion, being honest, helping others, parental involvement, showing teamwork, and school wide academic challenges are only some of the ways our students earn points for their House. The house with the most points at the end of the nine weeks is handsomely rewarded with a House Party.
Here are some more great things about our school…
- In January 2017, 5th grade students were welcomed to newly renovated, state-of-the-art classrooms and a library/media center.
- Every core subject teacher has 25 chromebooks
- We have 2 computers labs with PCs in one and Macs in the other.
- Students are able to apply for leadership teams each semester to hone positive skills, readying them for college and career. (Bus Team, Office Team, Library Team, Broadcast Team, Guidance Office Team and Anti-Bully Team)
- Murphy the Mascot is a regular visitor on Fridays.
- Christmas in the Arts showcases visual art, music and band performances.
- Fall Festival and Field Day celebrations allow students physical fitness and social interactions.
- Parental input is always welcome for activities to benefit our students.
At Singing River Academy, we strive to be the best in our community, our district and the nation. We believe our children are the leaders of tomorrow. In going above and beyond for students and families, we will provide the brightest students able to give back to our community and our world.

7:10 AM
Tardy Bell Rings:
7:40 AM
Dismissal Time:
3:00 PM
Main Telephone Line: