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Singing River Academy

Jonelle Shambra » Classroom Information

Classroom Information

Welcome!  This is Mrs. Shambra...your (or your child's) reading teacher.  I am extremely excited to begin our 6th grade journey, and I am certain this is going to be a wonderful year!  Below you will find some helpful information about our class.  :)
Grading:  Students will have the opportunity to show mastery of skills 2-3 times per week.  One grade will be taken from the novel we are studying.  The second grade will be the focus skill of the week.  The third grade (occurs often but not always) will be taken from vocabulary or informational text comprehension passages.  These vary weekly of course!  Students will use their planners to write down assignments and tests as they come up. 
Extra Credit:   Extra credit opportunities will be discussed on an individual basis.  Students may inform me that they are interested in extra credit assignments.  I will contact parents to discuss extra credit procedures and scoring.  
HOMEWORK:   Please check your child's planner for homework assignments.  I typically do not assign homework (with the exception of studying).  Students will use the planner to write down assignments and keep up with test dates.  Students should be studying their Greek/Latin roots nightly as they will be tested on this information.  Knowledge of these roots increasing vocabulary comprehension as well!  
Expectations:  I expect students to take ownership of their own learning.  This would include managing their assignments, studying, and handling paper work appropriately.  Expectations for classroom assignments and projects will be thoroughly explained.  Students are expected to complete assignments in a timely matter and keep up with all necessary materials.  Our goal is to create independent thinkers and learners who will achieve great success! 
Mrs. Shambra's contact information:  (Let me know if you need anything!) 
228-522-8835  (SRA)
School Status:  I will send weekly/ biweekly broadcasts.  When you receive a message, you can respond directly to me through the text strand created.  Please accept my school status invite.  Please let me know if you have any trouble.  I would be more than happy to help you!